On Wednesday October 17th, an extraordinary event occurred...all eight coaches came together in a single city for the Google Digital Coaches Summit in Austin, Texas!! This reunion could not have been possible without the guidance and effort put forth by Daraiha Greene, Chris Genteel and Angelina Darrisaw. During their time in Austin, the GDC coaches spent hours brainstorming on various strategies with the goal of strengthening their ties and impact on the community they serve.

( Daraiha Greene)

(Chris Genteel)

( Angelina Darrisaw-Cheeks; National GDC)

(Justin Dawkins; Atlanta GDC)

(Vicky Sepulveda; Austin GDC)

(JinJa Birkenbeuel; Chicago GDC)

(Katrina Turnbow; Detroit GDC)

(Roberto Martinez; Los Angeles GDC)

(Vicente Pimienta; Miami GDC)

(Francilia Wilkins-Rahim; New York City GDC)

(Shelly Bell; GDC Washington D.C.)

#googledigitalcoaches #googledigitalcoach #googledigitalcoach #austin #austintexas #texas #googletexas #googlesummit #googledigitalcoachessummit #AngelinaDarrisawCheeks #angelinadarrisaw #daraihagreene #katrinaturnbow #jinjabirkenbeuel #vicentepimienta #justindawkins #shellybell #robertomartinez #vickysepulveda #franciliawilkinsrahim