Davidson College offers freshman and sophomore women from underrepresented groups the opportunity to use their spring break to do a deep dive on professional development. The 4 day bootcamp is called "Suited for Success" and each day focuses on a different career theme, like "Know Yourself, Know Your Strengths," "Brand Yourself," "From Interview to Internship" and "Before You 'Lean In.'"
The participants engage in panels, workshops, and presentations aligned with the topics. Angelina was thrilled to be invited back to offer a workshop on branding elements and a strong presentation. One of the themes that came up from the students was "professional dress." They were concerned about natural hair being considered unprofessional, finding the right outfits for curvy bodies at work, and how to look professional when you don't have access to a big budget. These concerns generated a great discussion and Angelina offered insights in each area.