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Finding Inspiration In Your Work When You're Totally Burnt Out (on Bustle)

Writer's picture: Angelina DarrisawAngelina Darrisaw

Angelina joins a team of business leaders and coaches to offer meaningful ways to gain inspiration at work when you are feeling run down.

She shares:

"Just because you have a certain role at your company doesn't mean you're limited to only knowing things in that tidy little box. Branch out and see what you can soak in, and then apply it to your work to make things more interesting. Angelina Darrisaw, an international business and career coach, offers via email, "Taking on the task of learning something new can be very energizing and bring some a renewed sense of inspiration to your daily tasks. Volunteer for a project that would normally be out of your scope. Sign up for an employee learning class and try to apply the takeaways to your role." Plus, you never now what opportunities that kind of action can create."

It might seem scary to approach your boss, but starting a conversation over how you want to spice up your work load can lead to some pretty amazing results. Darrisaw explains, "Are you feeling lost because you don't have reached all of your goals? You need new ones to get inspired by. Talk to your manager and find out what's holding you back from a raise, a promotion. Get some to-do's to take you to the next level and be inspired by the steps you are taking to progress in your career." Things can really change for the better this way.

Read the full article here on Bustle.

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