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Think Strategically About the End Game

C-Suite Swag

I recently had the privilege to meet up with

my T-Howard mentee to help her think through how she could make the best of her last few weeks of her internship. After 6 weeks of interning, she realized she loved her company and could see herself working there full-time. She’d sought regular feedback from her supervisors, taken advantage of employee programs, attended lunch and learns, and even reached out to executives for informational interviews. “I want to be hired here after I graduate,” she told me. “What else can I do?”

She deserved to be commended for all that she’d done to date. Taking advantage of company offerings, seeking feedback, and meeting with leadership are all important pieces when it comes to understanding the company culture and making a lasting impression. As an intern, her role was to test if the culture worked for her as much as it was to work hard and get noticed.

Despite all that she was doing right already, she was open to learning what more she could be doing. Throughout my career, I’ve learned that pushing myself to be better, even when I thought I was doing well, has had a major impact.

In the case of my mentee, I recommended a few actionable items to help her get fulltime employment post graduation that I think can apply to any intern nearing the end of their internship:

Read the rest here.

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